Freelance TnT

Aleksej Durdevic

Tips, tricks and resources for Freelancers, Online Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads working in Digital Marketing, Graphic Design and Photography business niche.

Showing all posts tagged "Social Media"

7 Tricks Every Social Media Manager Needs To Know

7 Tricks Every Social Media Manager Needs To Know Every day people are sharing more than 200 million tweets and more than 1 billion Facebook posts. Digital marketing is very dynamic and with new trends surfacing practically every day, it can be a chall...

Facebook: 5 Proven Ways To Boos Your Audience Engagement

5 Proven Ways To Boos Your Audience Engagement With more than 1,3 active billion users, Facebook represents the most visited virtual metro station in Social Media world. Imagine the enormous number of users with different interests, prefe...